Rank 1 in Google

Dominate the search results with ‘The Link Building Book’ – your complete guide to effective link building, updated in 2023. Explore strategies and techniques that will make you a link building master and put you significantly ahead of your competitors. The book’s content is relevant for blogs, e-commerce sites, corporate websites, affiliate sites, and other online projects.

Perfect for ‘Do-It-Yourself’ link building (DIY) or as an essential resource for companies looking to strengthen their internal SEO activities. It’s time to take control of your search results! Secure a digital copy now.

About the author

Henrik Bondtofte is one of Denmark’s leading search engine experts and has helped countless companies strengthen their online identity. Now, you can also benefit from this knowledge.

Henrik has over 20 years of experience in SEO and has worked with links for just as long. Henrik Bondtofte is also the author of “The Book on Internal Links,” a link-building book that focuses 100% on internal links and the structure of a website.

What the readers say...

See what others have to say about the book

I can genuinely say that any website owner or shop owner who wants to work on link building themselves should buy "The Link Building Book." The 695 DKK is a sure investment that will pay off many times over.
Thomas Frost
I knew that a single sentence on one of the over 200 pages would be enough to recoup the 868.75 DKK investment – and I had already read that sentence a quarter of the way into the book.
Lars Skjoldby
Frederik Vindum Ørskov
Frederik Vindum Ørskov
Linkbuildingbogen version 2.0
Efter at have læst Henriks bog om linkbuilding, har jeg fået en større og bedre forståelse for brugen af links. Især afsnittet omkring køb af advertorials var super relevant for mig og noget, som jeg med det samme kan anvende i praksis. Jeg vil anbefale den til alle, der beskæftiger sig med SEO.

Why you should purchase

Expert knowledge on 278 A4 pages

Gain 20 years of link building experience condensed into 278 comprehensive A4 pages. You’ll have access to all my knowledge about external links and link building. It’s the closest you can get to a masterclass on the subject.

The most comprehensive linkbuidling ressource

‘The Link Building Book’ is one of the few books that focuses 100% on link building as its core competency, and at the same time, it is the most comprehensive. No other book contains as much content about link building. Globally, the book is also a rarity, breaking away from the tendency to only skim the surface of the topic in SEO literature.

Spot the valuable links

Learn the art of identifying the most potent links and how to steer clear of the worthless ones. After diving into the book, you will undoubtedly be able to assess which links are gold for your online presence.

30 actionable tips

For those who want to get started now! A dedicated section with 30 immediately actionable link building tips. Establish a solid foundation for your link building strategy and see the results materialize quickly.

Read more about link building

Link building is an indispensable part of search engine optimization, and it’s the factor with the most significant impact on how you rank in search results. From a search engine perspective, a link is seen as a recommendation, a sort of stamp of approval for the website being linked to. You will learn much more about this fundamental concept in the book.

But not all links are created equal. This is a statement you might already be familiar with, but why is that? Why do some links carry more weight than others?

The Anatomy of a Link

When diving into link building, it’s essential to understand the different “signal values” a link can have. There are three primary types of value a link can pass on: Trustworthiness, relevance, and popularity. You will gain a deeper understanding of how to weigh these signal values in your link strategies in the book.

Popularity (PageRank)

Google achieved its position by introducing the concept of popularity into its algorithm. With PageRank, Google can measure a website’s popularity based on which other websites link to it and how “popular” those referring websites are. Get detailed insider tips on how to optimize your PageRank in the book.


Trust is a complex variable measured through several factors such as domain age, ownership, and which other sites link to your site. Trust is crucial, especially when you want to avoid being marked as a “spam site.” In the book, you will learn how to enhance your trustworthiness through targeted link building.


Relevance also has a significant impact on how you rank. A link from a relevant and authoritative site in your niche can provide immense value. The book delves into how you can identify these golden link opportunities.

Query-Independent vs. Query-Dependent Ranking

From Google’s early days with PageRank to the complexity that characterizes the search engine’s algorithm today, there has been an exciting evolution. PageRank laid the foundation, but we have now reached an era where query-dependent ranking has taken over. This involves understanding that relevance and context are incredibly important. It’s not just about which pages link to you but also how and why they do. You can learn more about mastering this balance in the Link Building Book.

Link Growth

The speed at which you acquire new backlinks can have dramatic consequences. An overflow of new links can sometimes trigger a manual penalty from Google. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how to navigate these waters safely. Are you curious about the best way to do this? In the Link Building Book, there’s an entire chapter dedicated to this topic, guiding you through the various phases.

Linear vs. Geometric Increase

A linear increase in the number of your backlinks may seem like a quick path to success, but it is also full of pitfalls. Google’s algorithms have become incredibly sophisticated and can easily detect whether an increase in backlinks is natural or not. Therefore, you should strive for a geometric increase, which better mimics natural growth and doesn’t raise suspicion.

With the Link Building Book in hand, you will not only gain theoretical insights but also practical tools to master the art of SEO. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced in the field, this book is an indispensable guide to becoming the best SEO expert.

Frequently Asked Questions about Link Building

Are links important for SEO?

Yes, because a link is a recommendation, and just like in the real world, recommendations are invaluable online. In the real world, we listen to recommendations and let them influence our choices. The same happens on the Internet, where we are inundated with recommendations daily, both on social media and through links on various websites we use.

Search engine bots pick up on these and use them to calculate a score for the website the links point to. In its simplest form, a link is a type of recommendation. People link out when they want to refer to something, and this can naturally be seen as a positive signal, which is exactly what Google and other search engines do.

What is link building?

Link building is the process of acquiring new inbound links to your website. These links affect your website’s visibility in organic search results. To achieve the best effect, you need the best and most relevant links. Not all links are created equal, and the impact of a single link varies greatly depending on the trustworthiness of the linking website, its relevance to the target website, and its own popularity.

What does link building mean?

Link building is a technical term within SEO, adopted from the English language. In Danish, the term could be “linkbygning,” but it is rarely used. Therefore, in Danish, we use the English term “link building” for this process, which involves acquiring or attracting new inbound links to one’s website.

How do you do link building?

You can either actively work on link building and acquire links to your website yourself or engage in earned link building. Acquired link building involves actively obtaining backlinks through a proactive and engaging process. This could include submitting your website to directories, business registries, or niche-specific web shop listings. Acquired links also cover practices like purchasing advertorials with accompanying backlinks to your website.

The other form of link building is earned link building. Here, the process is the opposite of acquired link building; instead, you try to influence people to link to you without actively involving yourself. This could be through excellent content, videos, data studies, or other interesting material that others want to link to.

Why do link building?

If you want to actively position your website better in search results, link building is the perfect discipline. Through link building, you can influence others to link to you or create links from external sites pointing to your own website.

The goal is to create recommendations in the form of links, which search engines like Google recognize as votes for a website. The more links you have and the higher their quality, the better placements they will help achieve for your website.